quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2008

Celestial Marketing

Claro que é enrolação, mas uma enrolação muuuito bem feita! Além da história do eclipse do Yahoo (todo mundo viu, né?) no dia 16 de agosto, eles inventaram uma empresa de celestial marketing, com site, empresários e tudo pra criar o clima do negócio. Olha só:

Celestial Marketing has arrived!

July 22nd, 2008
The day has come! Celestial Marketing is here and available to assist you with your extraterrestrial marketing needs. We're thrilled to offer cutting edge marketing and communications services, and would love the opportunity to field any questions you may have with respect to our exciting new offering. Celestial Marketing is the only place to go to levitate your brand to new heights—and we put a 100% guarantee on all of our products to ensure your comfort in experimenting with our new marketing and media tactics. Try Celestial Marketing for your brand—you won't regret it!

Deve ter custado caro, mas foi uma mentira muito bem feita e com um mega retorno de imagem e mídia espontânea.


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